Friday, January 8, 2010

Does dry skin cause red pimple looking bumps?

My skin is really dry cause i recently stoped goin to the tanning bed an stop using lotion.. I have these bumps every where, they kinda look like pimples but they are small?|||Yes, dry skin can cause bumps - I get them on my neck along with dry, flaky patches.

You need to gently exfoliate your skin when you wash and keep it moisturized - use a heavy cream (shea butter is really good...or aquafor is also really good, you can get it at a drugstore, but it is VERY greasy so put it on right before you go to sleep).

Make sure you take a multi-vitamin and add omega 3 and 6 oils to your diet in the form of fish/nuts or take a supplement (helps with the skin).|||yes sometimes lt does cause l have very bad dry skin to

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