Friday, January 8, 2010

Help! I have a black pimple that IS NOT a black head, what is it and can I pop it?

I have a black pimple in the crease between my mouth and chin. This isn%26#039;t an average %26quot;black head%26quot;, I don%26#039;t even think this qualifies. It sort of looks like a pimple, but underneath a few layers of skin there is a black dot, so it isn%26#039;t dark black, but if you look up close you can see it. It isn%26#039;t soft and doesn%26#039;t appear to be pop-able. I%26#039;ve had it for a long time and it seems to be growing slowly.|||pretty sure it%26#039;s an ingrown hair. some day when your not going to work or school for a few days: clean it with hydrogen peroxide prick it with a needle or pin and excavate it out with tweezers. make sure you clean it well afterwords. it will take a few days to heal afterwords.

good luck!|||You should go to a dermatologist to check what that is.|||Go To the doc. Or well the acne doctors. That will help so much if you go|||maybe visit a doctort if it is growing|||Are you sure it%26#039;s not a mole?

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