Friday, January 8, 2010

How do i pop a pimple without leaving a scar?

Is it possibleee?|||Try not popping it, but put a dab of toothpaste on it. That always works for me. It burns for a minute, but it closes the pore.|||The scar from popping a pimple is caused by cutting into the skin with your fingernails. The best way to pop a pimple without leaving a scar is to pop it with two popsicle sticks. The popsicle sticks will not cut into you skin and therefore will not leave a scar.|||it is possible!

but only if you get the special tool to so it properly.

using your hands in anyway, a needle, a safety pin etc. will all leave a scar!

you can get the tool at your local drugstore but the link below will show you what it looks like.鈥?/a>|||you can never be sure if it will leave a scar, but do not try to pop it when it is new. wait until it is much less sore, and white. and do not just squeeze it. take a very sharp needle and make a tiny tiny hole. then push it out. keep it clean, use face wash and astringent. good luck!|||wait till they have a white head.. use steam...WRAP UR FINGERS IN TISSUE.. that will lower the chance of scar..but u never know.... leave them alone.. there are many things u can do..try not to touch ur face! dont pick:P

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