Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does putting neosporin on pimple scars help?

I heard that you can make pimple scars go away quickly if you put neosporin on them. If so, should you not pop a pimple but put neosporin on it?|||Neosporin is an antibacterial, so it wouldn%26#039;t help with acne scarring, but it may help with an acne pimple. You%26#039;d really be better off using something designed specifically for acne though, such as a product with benzoyal peroxide or salicylic acid. I reccommend contacting a dermatologist or an esthetician for help with things skin-related. This is what they do professionally, so they will be able to help you out and give you some good information specially designed for you and your skin. I%26#039;m a licensed esthetician. Good luck!|||I don%26#039;t know if it%26#039;s proven or not...but thats what I do, it does seem to help it heal up nicely. I wouldn%26#039;t put it on before you pop it. It%26#039;s pretty oily.

-Lola %26amp; Giselle|||Don%26#039;t ever pop a pimple, then you will get real scars. Neosporin works for pimple scars, it%26#039;s antibacterial. pimples are bacteria junk. If you want to prevent scars wear lots of sunblock. That way they have time to heal and you don%26#039;t make them worse by tanning them.|||Yes it does.I know from past experience.|||Yes it helps a little, but theres also a product called scarzone...which has worked for me....try that too|||I think if I did pop one I would put neosporin on it just to help it heal (%26amp; disappear) faster.|||Clinique makes a post blemish healer, to diminish the look of scars, it works great. To pop the pimple wash your face first, gently squeeze, and then use a clarifying lotion on it, do not put neosporin on a pimple or a freshly popped pimple. A week or so after the fact when it is truly a scar and not a pimple it couldn%26#039;t hurt to put it on.|||Ya it helps.|||Neosporin is an antibiotic cream. It will not penetrate skin unless it is open--such as puncture, abraisons, etc. Who told you this anyway?|||windex

just kidding, but remember %26#039;my big fat greek wedding%26#039;|||No cleaning your pimple scar, avoiding scratching it, and cocoa butter works.|||i kno lemon juice works

after you wash your face|||YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeNOOOO

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