Monday, April 26, 2010

Used needle to relieve the pressure of a pimple, but all that came out was dark red blood?

I used a hot compress beforehand and steralized everything. I know that you are not supposed to pop pimples, but I needed some relief from the pressure. If there is a safe/sanatary/right way to pop these things, I did it.

I used the needle and went right into the center of the pimple (gently), but nothin came out besides blood. What does this mean? A pimple with no white puss/core? Please advise|||Sounds like a boil or cyst. Try hot compresses several times a day see if it comes to a head. Once it does then you%26#039;re in business! Otherwise, you are just pushing the bacteria farther down below the surface of the skin. Good luck|||i would just wait one or two days....usually it%26#039;ll come to puss.

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