Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does anyone know how to get rid of mini pimple-like bumps on my arms?

ive been having like mini pimple-like bumps on my arms for almost a year and its not razor burn because i don%26#039;t shave and ive put lotion on all the time and it wont go away.ive also tried to put something called %26quot;Hydro 40 Foam%26quot;... and nothing happens.|||Use a body exfoliator, or a scrub brush, when you shower and have a quick rinse in lukewarm to cool water to close your pores. Applying lotion %26#039;all the time%26#039; is clogging your pores so try to skip this until the bumps disappear.|||Sorry, but melasma is hyper-pigmentation of the face. What you have is probably keratosis pilaris, which is the buildup of keratin (the hard protein in the skin, nails, and hair) which forms around the hair follicles of the upper arms, thighs, or buttocks. It is not curable, but it is treatable. Check this link: http://www.keratosis-pilaris.org/|||i think i have exactly same thing, cant be sure though because theres many different types of skin conditions that are refered to as mini pimple like bumps.

the one i have/had they said its more common in european/south african genes

anyway ive had it nearly my whole life, been to skin doctors that all say its goes with age, mine is barely noticeably now, i dont harshly exfoliate it or anything (as ive been told by people before)

just lots and lots of moisturing creams, it might take a while but you%26#039;ll definately see the difference, sun is good too (vitamin d is good for your skin). i send quite a lot of time on the beach so ive get quite a bit of sun. i also had psoriosis which sun helped alot.

i drink green tea (the pure stuff which taste horrible but awesome for your skin). and i take flaxseed oil, vitamin a, c, e. and drink water, anything really in general that helps with skin reguvination. i noticed everytime i eat mushrooms (starch), or soft drinks it tends to flare up quite a bit.

anyway i hope this all helps, if your still worried about it though id recommed going to see a detmatologist.|||you could try a lower amount salicylic acid body wash...or even face wash and lather the area with it. and then apply a light hydrating lotion with spf in it....that may help. hope it helps! :)|||It%26#039;s called keratosis it%26#039;s realy easy to fix. Google it|||i have those too idk how to get rid of them either

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