Saturday, December 26, 2009

How long will a pimple last?

From the first feeling of hurt until all the redness is gone.|||typically, eight or nine days.

the first day is usually a hurt, the next two days, there%26#039;s usually a head.

on the third or fourth day it%26#039;s either big enough to pop, or it pops on its own.

and four more days for the swelling, scabbing and redness to completely disappear.|||Could be up to a week. You can dry up the pimple by rubbing a plain white toothpaste (the paste kind, not the gel) on the pimple before bed, cuts the healing time in half. :)|||It will probably stay on your face until the day you die.|||It%26#039;ll only get bigger|||It last as long as you don%26#039;t take care of it. it can even scar very badly...|||How long is a turd?

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