Saturday, December 26, 2009

My 4 and a half month old Great Dane has developed what looks to be a bump or pimple on her vulva. Any ideas?

The bump/pimple is about half the size of a pea. As of late she also has been having diarrhea and scratching herself (everywhere) more than she used to.|||It could be anything - she could be allergic to fleas, she could be having a skin reaction to her food, she could have mites... Only a vet can tell. I can tell you though that you can take a cotton ball with a little lemon juice on it and dab the bump (and any irritated skin) a couple of times a day and it will dry it up.

Good luck! :)|||It could be a lipoma which is benign, and if taken out looks like chicken fat. Other options are



malignent or benign tumor

Take her to the vet and have a biopsy.

The diarrhea could be worm, allergies tons of stuff

could be a tick mouth parts buried underneath skin-has she had any ticks lately? Also could have fleas or allergies. go to vet.|||This sounds like a sitsuation that calls for the vet. Could be nothing but better be safe than sorry. Good luck! Hope she turns out to be healthy %26amp; okay. :)|||As far as the scratching the dog could have fleas. If the dog has fleas then it could have worms which would be causing the loose stools.

The bump I would take the dog to the Vet. you never know what a bum,pimple or lump can turn into??

If you can get a stool specimen and take it to the Vet. He can check it out for worms.

Call the Vet. today. Puppies can get dehydrated easily.

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