Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I picked a pimple open a few days ago and knocked the scab off... how do i make the redness go away?

I picked a pimple open a few days ago and it scabbed over, and i knocked it off and now its bright red. How can I make the redness go away? I put some antibiotic ointment on it. I have prom tomorrow! Help!|||stop messing with it|||take some rubbing alcohol and put it on antibiotic ointment does not help that only makes those things worse you have got to draw the core out to release the pressure and discoloration will go away. should be gone by tomorrow or next day try not to use heavy make up or be around oils or greases also those are what make pimples.|||Put warm (not hot) compresses on it. Wash your face with a very mild soothing cleanser. Perhaps, something with oatmeal or aloe. Keep up with the anti biotic cream. No make up on it till prom time.

DO NOT rub it, scrub it, pick it, squeeze it or any other thing that will do more damage to your skin. The redness should diminish enough by tomorrow that a touch of concealer will do the trick.|||Just wash your face and let it do what it needs to do. It all depends, if its big and feels like there stuff in it and looks like it too, pop it. It will go away quicker. If not, then put a little make-up on it and no one will notice!

Will someone answer mine?:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiblT8S70d92tke3STu5Dn7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090514183416AAu61S8

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