Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have a red ball or pimple right in the middle of my arm pit?

and it hurts.what could this just seem to come out of nowhere. is this anything serious?|||nah--it%26#039;ll go away--dont worry. i had acne for four years--sometimes it can really hurt. wash it with a regular bar of soap. and try to keep the area dry. it should go away after a couple weeks. if it doesnt-its something else.|||sounds like an infected hair follicle, ingrown hair or a cyst. the best treatment for this is to apply a very warm(as warm as you can toelrate it) wet compress on the site for about 20 minute. keep reheating the compress as needed and then carefully clear it. you can try a sterilised needle. If it clear make sure it is drained and let it dry put a bit then you can try some neosporin. if you can%26#039;t clear it yourself or this doesn%26#039;t seem to be the problem you should have a doctor look at it.|||Could be an ingrown hair or just a regular old pimple. Keep it clean and if it doesn%26#039;t go away in a few days, see a doctor.|||Sounds like you have an ingrown hair, i get these on a fairly regular basis out of the blue, they just go on their own usually. If you are worried or if it get bigger or if it doesnt clear up in a couple of days go and see your doctor|||It could be one of many different things. It could be an ingrown hair, a pimple/ blister, an insect bite, a minuscule splinter under the skin, or any number of other possibilities. I can%26#039;t tell if it%26#039;s serious or not from your limited description. Have a friend or family member look at it, and help you decide. If it still has you concerned, go to a doctor.|||If you perspire a lot you could be developing boils. If they really hurt to the touch but, seem to never get a head, then it is probably boils. The bacteria really collect in dark wet places. Ask the doc about it.|||razor burn? ingrown hair? deodorant rash? I wouldn%26#039;t worry about it unless it stays around longer than a couple of weeks. Then go have a doctor have a look see, or switch deodorants, don%26#039;t shave as often or what have you.|||Could just be an infected hair root or ingrown. Probably nothing to worry about.|||ew...dnt no, sorry.

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