Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have two bumps pimple like and there at the bottom of my vagina by the whole.Please help.?

They make me itch down there and it makes and odor and they are attached i think i might have to have surgery to remove them but is there any other way, how did i get it?? Please respond soon.|||It maybe bacterial infection if gives out scent. You may want to wash with herb:Golden Seal. If the itching persist go to your doc. Most likely surgery will not be needed.

To learn more how to deal in this type of situations. Learn about home remedies from this book:

God%26#039;s Medicine Is Best by Linda Wise.


Good Luck. You will be surprised how awesome are natural remedies.||| could be from a lot of could be the difference in a new soap or you might have an need to see your doctor...and they will tell you for sure what%26#039;s going on with it...hope it gets better...good luck :)|||If you are sexually active, it could be an STD. Or a sexually transmitted disease.|||STD and a sexually transmitted disease are the same thing... (to the guy above me)

But it may be an ingrown hair or razor burn. I had that once and I am NOT sexually active. See your doctor though|||You should probably go see your doctor.

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