Read some very effective tips and articles on how to get rid of pimples and more on this site|||Acne remedies at home
Dr Murads Acne Complex|||get a really hot wet wash cloth and stick it on it will like let it exfoliate and keep putting it on there or just pop it!!|||pop it|||the best products for acne is clean and clear, which you can purchase at walgreens or wal-mart which is cheaper.|||Acne remedies at home
Dr Murads Acne Complex
http://acne-treatment-4-all.blogspot.com鈥?/a>|||DON%26#039;T SQUEEZE IT. Keep the spot clean and detox by eating your five-a-day fruit and veg and drinking plenty of water.
Try a 3-in-1 medicated wash before carrying out your make-up routine. and dont use too mch make-up.
wash your face with an oil control face wash .. and wash your face frequently to keep the extra oil out.. at the same time dont wash sooo much that your dry your skin out!! if you have a couple of nasty zits.. try toothpase.. it might sound stupid.. but..apply some toothpaste(please note.. paste not gel ) on your zit bfore you sleep and when you wake up in the morning it will look much better.. toothpaste reduces redness of the pimple and dries it out! You can also dab Tea Tree Oil on the spots..! You can also try pimple zapping products available in the market.. try.. clean %26amp; clear ( thay have some good oil control skin caare products)..Clearasil is good too.. and Do try Proactive IT WORKS!!! If this stuff doesnt help you try going to a skin specialist! All the Best!|||Pop it but use a q-tip or something so you nails won%26#039;t leave a mark. Then put toothpaste on it. Then, keep washing your face everyday an night. I use Saint Ives Apricot scrub and it really works.|||put toothpaste on it|||my partener uses vinegar and salt to afected area works so fast that next day it is dried up.
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