Saturday, December 26, 2009

My 4 and a half month old Great Dane has developed what looks to be a bump or pimple on her vulva. Any ideas?

The bump/pimple is about half the size of a pea. As of late she also has been having diarrhea and scratching herself (everywhere) more than she used to.|||I%26#039;m sure by now you realize that this is in the cat section.

If you post in the dog forum you%26#039;ll get more and better answers.

I%26#039;ve never owned a dog in my life, but I know if one of my cats had the same problem I%26#039;d take her to the Vet.

Good luck!|||Take her in. It might be a tick bite. You need to get this looked at by a vet.|||I think you meant to put this in the dog section and not the cat section but I would get your dog to the vet ASAP! Diarrhea in any pet is not a good sign and is often a bacterial problem that needs antibiotics to correct.|||you should take her to the vet, it might be a tick bite.|||take her to the vet theyll kno better then ne1 can tell u online...dont take that chance incase its sumthing serious|||Take her to the vet.

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