Saturday, December 26, 2009

What would these pimple be that my Boxer has developed on his face and back(in the rib area)?

We have a 9 month old Boxer(Brindle). Recently went on vacation and kenneled him at a local kennel. I noticed these pimples forming on his mouth area, chin and now in his rib cage area a week or so from returning home from the kennel. They occasionally pop, and have a %26quot;metal%26quot; smell. They do not seem to hurt or bother him. I have not ruled out that his food may be causing this, but I have not changed his diet. He is eating dry Nutro puppy food, lamb and rice formula. My husband suggested it may be our water, since we have a well. Possibly a brine tank going out or too hard of water. Would anyone have any idea what this may be, and the cause. I am totally open to suggestions.....

Thanks for your help and time. I greatly appreciate it!|||Always a good idea to have your dog checked by a vet when something new like this comes up.

Also stainless steel bowls hold less bacteria (which may be causing the pimples) and are easier to wash than plastic or ceramic.|||Yeah, call your vet. Let them know everything that you let us know and let them be the judge. I%26#039;ve never had a dog do this to really give you an answer, but its best to be safe.|||It could just be %26quot;puberty%26quot; that happened to occur around the same time as you put him in a kennel. All three of my dogs got pimples around that age.

You can always call your vet and talk to a vet tech for advice about whether or not you should take him in.|||TAKE HIM TO A VET!!! the metal smell may mean he has some kind of posing.|||All of us who own mastiffs and the like breeds have encountered this. These breeds do develop acne, most certainly from drinking slobby water, and slobbing themselves! I have found that a once a week good cleaning of the water bowls minimizes this greatly (I use a little JOY and let the bowl dry in the sun). They also get acne from playing in the park on the grass, which I suspect has fertilizer or fire ant killer in it.

And last of all, I had a chihuahua who liked to actually LAY in fire ant beds! What a horrible fetish this turned out to be! The vets were all mystified about her acne until we actually CAUGHT her doing it one day!

LOL! Good luck with your boxer. Watch the stress and diet!


Sharon Johnson|||take him to the vet -- this could be any number of skin problems and boxers usually have sensitive skin. . .

better safe than sorry --|||ussually pimples on the mouth and chin are a reaction to the food bowl.. many dogs will get it when using a plastic bowl.. but the fact that its breaking out at his ribcage has me stumped!|||hummm...the metal smell reminds me of parvo, but not so sure about the bumps themselves. Could be an infection or allergic reaction. Was the floor where your dog was staying painted, or concrete? Some kennels have concrete outside and in some of the kennels that causes rashes in some dogs. Call the boarding kennels where your dog stayed and let them know of the problem so they have it on record...then I would get some spray from a pet store (disinfectant and one that heals) and see what happens. If it doesn%26#039;t go away within a week I would call the vet.|||He is just growing up to be a big dog, and I think it is more common in short haired dogs my pit gets them all the time and he is 3 and really nothing to be upset about.|||One of my sister%26#039;s dogs got a nasty case of adolescent acne. She (the dog not my sister) had pimples on her belly, chest and jaw. The vet recommended using a phisohex wash until they cleared up.

I would still get a vet to have a look just in case it is something else though.|||maybe flea bites|||Our dog Savana had some sort of rash that was actually pimples filled with blood. This could be the same thing and that%26#039;s the iron smell (due to the blood)? Just a thought. You may want to take him to the vet anyway cause he most likely needs some sort of antibiotics and possibly the steriod kind. I believe that is what it took to get rid of hers. Hope it all works out ok.|||Dogs can get all sorts of things from kennels. Did you call the kennel and ask about it? Maybe they have had other dogs coming down with the same symptoms. This would be my first suggestion in trying to figure out what it is. If they are reputable, they will help you, if not they will deny any responsibility.

If the kennel used something on the ground to disinfect, clean, etc., your dog could be having some reaction to it. Sounds like the areas that would have contact with the ground when he was sleeping, ie the chin and ribs. It could be a fungus developing, contact dermatitis, an allergic reaction to something they were using on the ground, or a staph infection he picked up at the boarding kennel. All of these are possibilities.

To be sure of what this is, you need to take him to the vet to have a scraping done to be looked at under a microscope. The vet will be able to tell you exactly what it is. In the meantime, get some Betadine at the store and use a half ounce or so in water to clean the areas. Betadine kills a lot of microbes, at any rate it certainly wont%26#039; hurt.

His food is not causing this to occur.

If it was something the kennel was liable for, I would hold them responsible for the vet bills incurred.

Good luck.|||maybe u should take ur pet to the vet|||ask a vet|||boxers are prone to pimples. the food/water bowl can cause the ones on his face. if it plastic get a metal ones as the the plastic harbor germs and bacitria and cause pimples.

as for the ones on the rest of his body kennels can cause this, depending on what they are make of and if they are cleaned right. they should be bleached and scrubed.|||my mother bords dogs and people tell us about stuff llike that all the time the borders most likely did not clean the dogs kennels well while your dogs stay you need to go to the vet asap because it could possibly be a disease and you not even know it...

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