Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have had a sinus infection for over a year now. It looks like a pimple on my gums and puss comes out everday?

I just deal with which i know is disgusting but are the health risk that is involved.|||I%26#039;m not convinced that%26#039;s a sinus related issue. It sounds like you might have a dental issue, like a tooth or gum abscess. I%26#039;d suggest seeing a dentist.|||I agree with Ashley...this sounds like an abscess. A sinus infection would be in your sinus cavities (between the eyes and just above the bridge of your nose, under your eye sockets approximately mid-cheek, and behind the nasal opening)...if you have a reoccurring blister on your gums, then you need to see a dentist.

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