Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do you pop a pimple using a q-tip?

And what do u put on it after so it doesnt scarr and turn all red?|||you don%26#039;t pop the pimple with a q-tip... lol

this is what they mean:

when the pimple has a white top... take a needle and poke a little hole where the white top was. then, squeeze all the puss out. THEN, TAKE YOUR Q-TIP, and wipe off the puss.

Wash with warm water, then cold water. Put neosporin on to prevent scarring.

%26lt;3|||Very carefully apply pressure to the outer edge of the pimple, press the q-tip against the hole that you%26#039;ve made from applying the pressure (but not too hard). Take your time until everything comes out. Apply some toner or peroxide and them some pimple cream.|||its silly, but put a little dab of toothpaste on it, it will burn for not too long but the redness will dissapear and the swelling would go down afterwords. also buy clearasil ultra daily wash to preent more future breakouts.|||try pro active|||gross - you don%26#039;t.

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