Saturday, December 26, 2009

What Is The Quickest Way To Get Rid Of A Pimple?

I think its a whitehead and when I tried to pop it, it just got worse! Any suggestions.....|||I use the wave, it works GREAT, and i also use clearasil, unlike other commercials it is great and actually works, on mine i had a 3 day guarantee that if it wasn%26#039;t gone in that amount of time i could get a full refund, it started clearing my skin in 2 days.|||Never pop it lolz. And one more thing don%26#039;t use any chemicals to get rid off it . Because you never know what is their side effect.

The best way to get rid off the pimple is wash your face twice a day.

And I f you have too much then go to the skin doctor........

One more thing never belive in the commercials..........

And don%26#039;t use those products.........|||I read in a Seventeen magazine that if you boil water, take a q-tip and place the end in the boiling water then put it on your whitehead that it actually drains out the bacteria. I haven%26#039;t tried it though.|||Gently apply fresh lime juice on pimples and wash after 30 minutes if you don%26#039;t have a sensitive skin. More such solutions at|||squeeze them, does the job perfectly gets rid of the puss there %26amp; then.|||go out and get OXY 10% i put it on at the first sign of a pimple and it goesaway|||toothpaste works for me or i use witch stick takes a day or two tho

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