Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How long for a cyst, boil, or pimple under the skin to heal using hot cloth?

and is there anyhting more i should be doing|||It depends on what it is. A cyst may not come to a head, sometimes they just subside and go away, but it will take several days. The hot compresses will make it feel better and you can also take Tylenol for pain. Squeezing will not help and will cause scarring!

If it%26#039;s a boil, you may need to be seen by a doctor and have it opened, and you may need antibiotics.

If it%26#039;s a pimple, the hot compresses will help it to come to a head. Don%26#039;t squeeze it! This will cause scarring and possible reinfection. When you see an obvious white head on it, sterilize a needle with alcohol and gently open the top of the pimple, then clean it out carefully with soap and water, and keep it clean till it heals.|||Okay, first off, never try to pop it. It will only make the pressure and pain worse and cause further infection. Other than the hot cloth, you can use drawing medicines to draw out the infection and pus etc. One well known medicine for this is PRID, you can get it at Walmart or a drugstore. If they don%26#039;t have it available just ask the pharmacist for assistance and he/she will find you an alternative medicine that will do the same thing as prid. They are just ointments that you rub on the spot that will draw of the infection pain free. Goodluck|||I%26#039;m not sure about a cure, but get some green tea bags, boil them down, and while they%26#039;re still warm, somehow keep it on the boil. It%26#039;s supposed to draw the boil to a head so that you can pop it. And, it definately soothes the pain. I had an army of them on the back of my leg. Be careful when you pop them. They aren%26#039;t like pimples, don%26#039;t try to pinch it, but push down around it, and you%26#039;ll get alot of nasty **** coming out of it. Problem with boils is they do take forever to go away. But, you need it out of your skin, so squeeze it.

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