Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My pimple left a small red dot, how do I get rid of it?

Will it go away by itself or is it going to stay forever?|||Don%26#039;t worry it will go away. The best thing to do is leave it alone, although an asprin/honey mask is awesome and may help. Get about five or six regular white asprin put on a plate. Put three drops of water on each asprin. Let it dissolve. Add some honey and mix it into a paste. Apply all over face or on the pimple area...whichever you feel like..I prefer all over. Leave on for 10 or so minutes and rinse.|||I can assure you it won%26#039;t stay forever there.It just shows that the pimple before was either popped or it was touched a lot when it was still there.What you can do is not touch it very often and try not to get any sun damage.Also try a soft moisturizer and this very good face mask listed below.Hope I helped!-M*LO23:)


Vanilla Yogurt

Granola or whole grains

Table spoon of Milk

What you do is you take all of these together and mix them,only leave the milk till the end.Stir well.After this,heat the mixture in the microwave(20 seconds) for a smoother surface and to good on your skin.After apply evenly on face and let it air dry for 20 minutes.When you feel it dry you wash with warm water and and rinse with regular soap.This should make your skin even and oil-free.

Hope this works!|||Don%26#039;t Worry it won%26#039;t stay there forever. As long as its not a acne scar your good to go. Its just a little healing mark (scab), Don%26#039;t touch it and leave it alone. Wash your face daily too. Make sure when your getting rid of pimples your squeezing it with two tissues or toilet paper and your not scrabbing it off because that could leave an acne scar. Hope this helps!

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