Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do I get rid of a really red pimple FAST?

Okay, I have to leave for school in about 1 hour and 30 minutes.. what can I do to get rid of the red pimple fast, or at least get this really redness out. It%26#039;s really really noticable which sucks. My mom claims to not have any concealer, and I can%26#039;t check because my dad is sleeping. What can I use to cover it up? PLEASE I need to eaither cover this up with something, or get rid of it :((|||Tinted benzoyl peroxide cream works well, because it hides it like makeup, but also medicates it to help it dry up faster.

%26quot;When you are practically reeling with pimple redness, cakes of make-up and harsh skincare products are to be kept at bay. These further lead to inflammation of the skin and aggravate your pimple predicament.

There are a few quick-fix home remedies to cure the problem of redness in pimples. An ice cube held over the pimple for about 20-minutes followed by a dab of milk is quite an effective solution. So is holding a wet tea bag or a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice against the pimple for about five minutes.%26quot;


Note: I have tried ice cubes, but the redness comes back after about a half-hour

Maybe try a warm salt soak on it. The salt will dry it up and maybe get some of that redness better if you don%26#039;t overdo the salt. Dry it with a hairdryer to dry it up after you rinse it. I%26#039;ve done that before and it worked. Sometimes, though, it%26#039;s better to just leave it alone, because if you mess with it, sometimes it will just irritate it and make it more inflammed.|||Concealer is really your only option. Just sneak in past your Papa.

If you have one of those pimple pen type things they can make it a bit smaller.

Don%26#039;t squeeze it. That%26#039;s BAAAAD.|||try mens aftershave to dry it up it may sting abit

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