i%26#039;ve tried some like toothpaste and honey...i also tried squeezing it a bunch of times until it comes out but it just made it reder...help|||jessi says %26quot; soya beans%26quot;|||alchohol hand sanitizer works really good. just put it on the pimple not all over your face...|||well before memorial day I had horrible acne on my fore head, but this memorial day I went swimming for about 3 hours and when I came out my acne had vanished, the acne on my cheeks had calmed down, and I%26#039;m still acne free ( on my fore head) don%26#039;t know if this will help but I%26#039;m guessing it had something to do with chlorine. all my friends go to a skin doctor dermetologist, works for them!!|||the toothpaste thing works for me
u can also put eyedrops like visine on ur pimples it gets rid of the redness|||when i was a teen soap came in bar form.
i would wet my finger tip, rub the bar of ivory soap
and put that on the zit and let it dry...
worked like a charm|||washing your face regularly during the day, specially before going to bed; rinse with warm water and then splash some cold water|||Squeezing a zit is never a good idea. It may drive out some of the pus, but the rest of the bacteria is pushed deeper into the pore and can cause infection.
Try applying a paste of mild vinegar and sea salt to affected areas. Do not use this in areas that are open sores, or pimples you have recently popped.
Some people swear by applying lime juice to affected areas and rinsing off after 15 minutes. And yet others say to cut a clove of garlic and rub it on the skin, rinsing after 20 minutes.
If you are using a conventional method, try washing your face with a cleanser containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, then applying a spot treatment of either. A weekly clay mask can help prevent acne.|||put a warm towel on your face to open up your pours, then put egg yoke on your face untill it hardens. then lastly u get a cold towel to wash it off but when u wash your face, wash it in a upwards motion because if you oull it down, that causes rinkles|||if you can, go to an esthetician(facialist), it%26#039;s better to go to a professional, but if you can%26#039;t, I would recommend any one of these homemade treatments to control pimples...
pumpkin~dab a little on areas you want to treat, helps dry and slough off any bacteria u left behind from all that squezzing u did..lol
benzole peroxide no more than 2% strenth
papaya~great for pimples or break outs.. full of acids to help kill bactereia on your skin
hope this helps you out some...
say hello to your beautiful skin...happy cleaning clear skin..|||Tea three oil, use Q-tip to apply on pimples. If you wanna prevent break-out. add few drops of tea three oils in your palm and mix that with the facial cleansing product that you use.
DON%26quot;T touch / squeeze them anymore.
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